We have done our first step of global expansion by holding the Samurai Battle Game in Osaka!


Hi everyone. How are you?
We held the IKUSA Samurai Battle Game last Sunday.
Osaka castle and chambara

IKUSA Samurai Battle Game in English for the first time!

We have held the Samurai Battle Game in English for the first time in the Osaka Castle Park on the 12th of April, which made it our first step to global expansion.
The name of the event is the IKUSA Samurai Battle Game.
General Yoneda has been saying from the beginning that he wants the game to expand globally.

The two most important points of the IKUSA Samurai Battle Game from the start were:

●To make the game as simple as possible
●To match the game with Japanese culture and history correctly if we are going to do it.

In order to make the IKUSA Samurai Battle Game popular to foreigners, we tried to hold the event first for foreigners in Japan. You can see it like the first step to global expansion.
※Check the more detailed stories over here(※Japanese blog)

The event was more international than expected!

A lot of people have enjoyed the previous events of the IKUSA Samurai Battle Game. So our staff members had confidence in holding the event in English, but we were also a bit anxious.
The event was “English only”, so the advertisements, reception and the MC etc. were all done in English, including the management.
Some of our members having an exchange experience or teaching English at school did not worried about speaking in English, but some other staff members were saying ” I cannot speak in English! Help me! hahaha” and were a little bit worried about communication with foreigners.

Through our IKUSA events, many people opened their heart and made friends with others, even if one joined the event for the first time.
However, this time we noticed the conversations were a bit different.
Strategy time of Samurai Battle Game Self-introduction in Samurai Battle GameWhen we asked the participants where they are from, they answered with countries such as Mexico, Australia, England, Taiwan, Canada, Uganda, America, Arabia, Japan etc. . How international and diverse!!

No more language barrier!!

全We generally explained the rules and then we already started with the first game, which was a team battle (Team red and yellow).

the start of the circle formationTeam red Team yellowSamurai Battle Game is divided into two militaryAssault

Everyone was pumped up!

The way of fighting was also bit different than usual.
Usually the newcomers tend to approach each other slowly since they are not used yet to the rules and tricks of the game. Most of them slowly closed the distance between each other.
However, this time even the beginners joined the game enthusiastically. We saw people running into each other everywhere.
This newcomer, fiercely believed in the ” Attack only! ” strategy and tried to convince his team members as well of this strategy.
Enjoy the sword fight even more blackLife that is targeted from all sidesAlso without mercy in Woman Who And kill it while fending off enemy attacks To gradually melee state Osaka Castle and sword fight back Escape of suicide
We were more nervous about holding this event than normally, but surprisingly it went pretty smooth.

A mysterious black shadow

This mysterious black shadow is used to the IKUSA Samurai Battle Game and creeps up onto people at the battlefield.

Chambara Ninja
He is the IKUSA NINJA!!
The Ninja
The IKUSA NINJA does not care about the “life” of the participants and is an tough opponent. He will mercilessly participants that are caught off guard.
The participants need to flee away from the IKUSA NINJA and they also need to kill the opposite team, which creates a tense atmosphere on the battlefield.

In the battlefield ninja you fearedPut sword and moving around and Tokoro crowdedlyNinja will aim to quietly enemy general
The team battle game has a few strategy breaks, to have a rest from this tense atmosphere in order to discusses how you can defeat the other team.

It will play in a sword fight towards foreign everyone gustoSometimes a piece of this play One in everyone became friends Those who had no connection to the fellow !

A exciting “Protect the general” game!

The “Protect the general” game, followed after the team battle.
Normally each team will choose one general and will start to fight each other.In this event, every team chose a “King” and “Queen” who needed to be protected from the other team, and you needed to kill the “King” and “Queen” of the other team.
This game mode requires more strategy than a normal team battle because you need to think about defense and attack as a team.

It fights in the two generalsWe fight to protect the men and women of General We fight to protect the men and women of General 小競り合いからWe gradually moved into meleeKachidoki of victory!
Some participants preparing for the battle.
This participant showed up in a handmade white knight cosplay, which made the battlefield even more exciting.
White Knight and Ninja
White Knight might Assassin
A few minutes later a ninja from Dubai arrived cycling on a bicycle!
With an another ninja added to the battlefield , the battlefield has become even more scarier.
Ninja and Japanese ninja from DubaiNinja will disturb the battlefield

Battle Royale madness!

The final game was a Battle Royale as always!Everyone but yourself is the enemy in this game method, the goal is to fight to be last survivor.

Battle Royale enemies ally without relationshipFellow is the enemy of until a while ago Situation you do not believe other than your ownFrom behind When I unplug the airYou will be killed easily
Lots of people fall down in the heat of the battle!
Fall by incandescent Barrage around the one person
The last 3 survivors were 2 woman and the ninja from Dubai.
Three samurai remainingBattle Royale lateMen fight gentlemanly womenThe last woman in a one-to-oneI had won the fierce fight is
The winner was a Japanese woman that is fluent in English!!!
Yamato Nadeshiko samurai of Japanese womanInvoluntarily hug with my friends

Really everyone can enjoy the IKUSA Samurai Battle Game!!

Like always we took a picture with all the participants at the end of the event.
Lots of the participants said the event was fun and that they want to do it again. The participants also want to see the IKUSA Samurai Battle Game!! to be hold in English more frequently.
The next English Samurai Battle Game is Tokyo scheduled for 2015/6/6.
See you all means also on the battlefield ! !

Thank you so much!!



